
LEBENSzeichenAfrika e.V.

LEBENSzeichenAfrika e.V. (former LICHTzeichen aus Düsseldorf e.V.) is a German registered society which actively helps on the spot by supporting a choice of projects in Africa – like the SALEM School of Nursing in SALEM-Uganda, near Mbale.

German Doctors

The honorary German Doctors have supported the health center since 2022 and have trained local workers in the fields of obstetrics, pediatrics, surgery and internal medicine. They also have helped training the nurses in the „SALEM School of Nursing“. In the community they have been fighting with a comprehensive programme to reduce malnutrition of children.

Salem-Helvetia Stiftung

The aim of the Swiss foundation SALEM-HELVETIA is to support christian charities financially. It particularly funds programmes helping needy children and young people as well as programmes for drug addicts. The foundation supports the Children’s village in SALEM-Uganda.

Stiftung Helfende Herzen

The Stiftung Helfende Herzen (Foundation Helping Hearts) was founded to support especially the youth, disabled and elderly people. The foundation is supporting projects in different countries.

Tugende Encounter Tours

tugende means “Let’s go!” in Luganda, one of the many languages in Uganda. This tour operator offers multifaceted project and encounter tours to Africa. During the tour, participants visit SALEM-Uganda among other projects. The main focus of the tour is the encounter with local people.

Tukolere Wamu e.V.

Tukolere Wamue e.V. is an Association established under the impression and the experiences of living in developing countries. The foundation is supporting projects which promote long lasting solutions for social and environmental development.